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In 2022 God called our family to relocate for the 3rd time.

This time was different. He was calling us to move without telling us where he wanted us to go. The true definition of crazy faith.

I had a lot of questions for God. My emotions where all over the place. I cried out to God and begged him for answers.

I felt like I was getting nowhere!

Every day on my lunch break I would take a walk and tell God my list of prayers I needed answered about this move.

During one of these prayer walks I kind of got this gentle feeling from God telling me to forget about my to-do list and spend my lunch break thanking Him. 

Conviction immediately set in. I had spent so much time worrying about the future that I had lost sight of all the good things God had been doing in the present.

He wanted me to stop focusing on what I lacked and start meditating on his goodness.

I started thanking Him for who He is, for my life, for my family and for his provision and protection. I thanked him in advance for what was to come and after about an hour of gratitude, I felt lighter and encouraged.

It put me in remembrance of Gods faithfulness.

That's the power of gratitude.


1.Helps fight depression: When you think about things you’re thankful for, it brings happy thoughts to your mind. This can make you feel good and lift your mood.

2. Reduces Stress: Gratitude can help calm you down when you’re feeling worried or stressed. By focusing on what you’re grateful for, you start to feel more peaceful and relaxed.

3. Improves Friendships: Being thankful for your friends and family shows them you care, which can make your relationships stronger and happier.

4. Helps You Sleep Better: Thinking about what you’re thankful for before bed can help you feel calm and relaxed, making it easier to fall asleep.

5. Makes You Healthier: When you feel happy and less stressed, it’s good for your body. Being grateful has been shown to help people feel better physically, too!


PSALM 100:4-5 Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

PSALM 103:2-Let all that I am praise the Lord: may I never forget the good he does for me.


Dear God, I am grateful for your constant presence, especially during difficult times. Thank you for the gift of life and for your continuous blessings in the past, present, and future. Guide me to always focus on you and never lose sight of your goodness towards me. AMEN


Thank you, God, for the miracles and blessings in the present and for those that are yet to come, knowing that you always have my best interest at heart.


What are you grateful for? I encourage you to take some time and reflect on the ways God has been faithful to you.

Take a day and don't ask God for anything (or a week) and tell God thank you for what he's already done. And be specific -write it down if you need to but switch your focus because God deserves all the thank You’s & the praise.


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