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Hey! So Glad You're Here.

 In December 2015 God called our family to relocate from Atlanta to Phoenix,

We wanted to share our journey with family and friends so we started posting our story on Facebook.


It was encouraging to see how sharing our story was impacting the people around us,

We then decided to purchase a heat press and create our own T-shirts with encouraging sayings, little did we know our family and friends started supporting by purchasing our shirts. 


We then created a website & a blog and began asking other people to share their faith stories with us.


One of the many things that we've learned on our journey is that NOTHING is impossible with God and that's how FAITH UNLMTD was birthed. Our mission is to inspire people to follow Jesus and to take the limits off and trust him fully.

Faith UNLMTD is a movement, our desire is to see believers thriving in every season and not just surviving. We hope to encourage, empower, and engage with people from all walks of life through sharing our faith and telling the world what God has done.

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